Saturday, August 2, 2008

Political Views: Barrack Obama

Barrack is a ignorant ass muhfucka.
Listen to my story before you judge.
At first when Barrack came out I liked him. Because he was a democrat and he seemed wise.
I loved how Barrack rolled with Ludacris even though I hate Ludacris. I just like how some president liked music other than classical. I loved how he said he liked Jay-Z's American Gangster.
The more and more I read up about Barrack the more I felt like this is the president for us.
I even read the fact that he used to do cocaine and was a chain smoker but I didn't even give a fuck! I thought his values and his actions were outstanding. At first he opposed the war on terror bullshit. He said that he would pull out the troops and put everything back together, and find a way to lower oil prices.
A very hypocritical move.
Barrack is now saying that he will reinforce the troops in Iraq with more to give them help when he should be pulling them out.
This is retarded.
The economy of the United States is on decline as banks are going bankrupt and the stock market is falling steadily. People coming out of Harvard cannot get a job in the United States instead they are moving to areas in Asia such as Hong Kong.
Numbers are declining worse than the great depression of the 1930's. Why? The war in Iraq. It is causing too much money over nothing. Bush is ignorant as fuck. As Barrack is supporting war he is no different from a republican.
The United States is done. Barrack and McCain are the same.
Hillary was the future. No doubt. People were getting mad over gender issues but it was the facts that people should be focusing on, her goal was to get all troops out within one year. And she would have done it.
Lately I'm always seein these tees that say Barrack is the future, but with Barrack as president its like Buck and 9th's, No Future.

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